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July 2015

Drina River area was first mentioned in Chronicle of the Priest of Duklja (medieval chronicle written by an anonymous priest from Duklja, present-day southeastern Montenegro) as 'Hotcha' and 'Choca' in the 12th century. 'Hotcha' was an important stop in the caravan

  На излазу из Бијељине, на трећем километру према Павловића мосту, налази се Етно Село „Станишићи“. Етно село „Станишићи“, изван садашњег времена и простора, враћа нас прецима и природи, и буди у нама дивљење према једноставности некадашњег начина живота. Овдје се

Delibasino selo is a place where you can see the beginnings of the industry in Banja Luka connected to Trappists' coming to this area in 1869. As a special Catholic order of priests (which originated in the French monastery La

The best way to get to know the nature of Banja Luka is through adventure. Here you can go camping, to try rafting, kayaking and canoeing, free climbing, canyoning, cycling, hiking, flying, but also other ways of living with nature. Experienced