The getaway Viva-natura in Busija, Mt. Majevica
The getaway Viva-natura in Busija, Mt. Majevica is at the altitude of 840 m, in an oasis of pine and beech forest and springs of fresh mountain water, vegetation and herbs. The Eco-resort includes fields, walking tracks, tables and benches for
Kozarska Dubica through history
Sites and some data suggest that this area was inhabited from time immemorial. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the area between the rivers Una and Vrbas were inhabited by Slavic tribes. From the year 930, this region has witnessed
Monastery Moštanica
Its dimensions are monumental and the architectural decoration makes Moštanica church a lavish structure and one of the most daring and most beautiful religious buildings in Serbian medieval architecture. Its, at least, five hundred year history and the extremely brave,
Пут ракије Крушик
Дестилерија и воћњак Крушик налазе се 10 km од Модриче, 7 km од Градачца, у мјесту Доњи Скугрић, засеок Мишићи. Читаво имање простире се на око 30 ha земље. У засаду је 25.000 стабала крушке, 15.000 стабала јабуке, 5.000 стабала шљиве и 5.000
Mlječanica Spa
Healing water of the Mlječanica spa is over 5000 years old, and first research of the mineral water of the site was conducted by the Viennese chemists E. Ludnjig and S. Kratzer from 1886 to 1889. The Mljecanica Spa (Institute
Kozara National Park
Kozara National Park, sized 3,494.51 ha, was established in 1967 with the aim of protecting Kozara mountain and its cultural, historical and natural values.Central part of the National Park and Kozara mountain is the area of Mrakovica, with its flat
Kneževo through history
The municipality of Kneževo was also inhabited in ancient times, probably during the Neolithic period. It is clear that this area was inhabited by people of Illyrian origin, which later mixed with the Celts and other immigrants, including Slavic tribes.
Cultural and historical heritage of Kneževo
In Kneževo municipality, there are traces of monuments from the time of Bogomilism - tombstones, upright stone slabs decorated with paintings and relief (village Baština, Mramorije in Kobilja and Barice in village Borak), a monument from the Second World War
Ugar River
Ugar River, a right tributary of Vrbas River, springs under the slopes of Vlasic and hollows out a cascade bed in a great fall. Its meandering flow, rich in water, is home to Ugar River trout of bright, almost silvery
City of East Sarajevo through history
Many clues suggest that in the area of today's city of East Sarajevo humans have been present since ancient times. On Glasinac plateau, between the mountains Kopita and Romanija, archaeological finds, including exhibits from more than 2,000 graves in the
Goli Koran Goli Koran is in the immediate vicinity of Pale. Nice hiking and jogging tracks with supportingfacilities provide the perfect atmosphere for nature lovers. This is the right place for a picnic, rest, recreation and sports activities. In the place where
Gradiška through history
According to written documents, Gradiška was first mentioned a little more than 700 years ago and it was called Gradiski Brod. However, life on the territory of today's city, in its immediate and wider surroundings, dates back to prehistoric times. In
Archeological site “Manastirište”
Manastirište is located in Gornji Kijevci, 20 km from Gradiska in the middle of a lowland complex of fields called Karanovac. In that spot are the remains of architecture from the Roman period to the Middle Ages, in the valley
River Sava
Sava is an international river. It enters BiH at Jasenovac at an altitude of 94 m and it leaves the country in near Raca at 87 m, with the altitude difference and a fall of 7m. The total length of
Veliko vrelo (Big Spring) Hunting Lodge
Veliko vrelo (Big Spring) Hunting Lodge in the mountain in the middle of evergreen forest is a true revelation for every person to set foot on this territory, and winter ambiance in Drinić is something really worth seeing and experiencing
Virgin Forest “Lom”
Lom Virgin Forest is one of three virgin forests in Bosnia and Herzegovina and republic of Srpska, and one of the last ones of that kind in Europe. This nature reserve, which is in Drinić municipality, was founded in 1956. It
Эдельвейс («Leontopodinum alpinum»)
Эдельвейс («Leontopodinum alpinum») является очень редким и защищенным растением, не только в нашей стране, но и во всей Европе. Его можно найти лишь на недоступных каменистых горных скалах (название - лат: alpinus = горный), поэтому альпинисты его часто отождествляют с
Клековача је кречњачка планина у западном дијелу БиХ са највишим врхом Велика Клековача (1962 м). Она је највиша планина овог дијела БиХ. Окружују је Срнетица (1375 м) , Грмеч (1604 м) , Осјеченица (1791 м) и Луњевача (1706 м). Налази се
Šekovići through history
From the Roman period to the present day, Šekovici was a junction of important roads that linked the area east of the Drina with central Bosnia. Šekovići was named after one part of the residents, who settled in this area
Memorial Watermill
It is located in a part of the Lovnica Monastery complex, about a hundred meters downstream from the spring of the River Lovnica. In World War II, the Nazis burned down a group of children in the mill, so it