River Lovnica Spring
It is located under a large rock of the morphology in the form of a tectonic mirror, with a spring in the lowest part of the mirror's crack. At the very source is a huge, carved wooden cross which, together
Perin grad
It is located downstream of Drinjača, ten kilometers from Šekovici, at the end of the village Kalabače. Near Perinje and Peringrad, the flow suddenly cuts deeper, forming a canyon stretching almost to the confluence with the Drina. Is is believed that
Miraculous Čajniče icon
In the pearl necklace of Upper Drina region towns, the thing that makes this town special is the Miraculous Icon of the Virgin Mary 'Čajnička krasnica'. This icon is in the Church of the Assumption and, according to folk tradition;
Andricgrad is a tourist, cultural, administrative and educational complex situated on a peninsula between the rivers Drina and Rzav, at some 300 meters from the Visegrad bridge. Andricgrad has emerged as an idea of professor Emir Kusturica, the famous director, about
Teslić through history
These areas were interesting even to the prehistoric man. A specific evidence of that is remains of weapons and tools excavated in the caves in Rastuša, Blatnica, Vrućica and Čečava. On the steep slopes of Mount Borja and along the
Borja is located in the southeastern part of the west of Republic of Srpska. Natural and climatic conditions in Mount Borje provide opportunities for active recreation, sport teams preparation and holidays. Snow on Mt. Borje is of good quality and
Vrućica Spa
Banja Vrucica is located near the town of Teslic, in the valley of the river Usora, with well-known thermal mineral water springs that have been used since the time of the ancient Romans. The healing properties of Vrućica mineral water
River Usora
The River Usora is for the most of its flow a torrential river. The total length of the River Usora, from the spring below the peak Očauš in the mountain massif Borje, to its confluence above Doboj, is 82 km.
Rudo through history
The Old Rudo, founded in 1555 as an endowment of Mustapha-Pasha Sokolović, who was a nephew of the well-known and far more famous Mehmed Pasha Sokolović, who was also born in this area - the village called Sokolovići. This ktetor
The boat “Water Ćiro”
The boat Water Ćiro was made in the spirit of old steamboats. It strongly resembles the narrow-gauge train and sails along the flooded route of the former railway. Water Ciro sails for 50 km along the unusual and lovely Drina-Lim
River Lim
The River Lim starts at the foot of Mount Prokletije as an island of the beautiful Lake Plav, at 999 m above sea level. It flows through the towns of Andrijevica, Berane, Bijelo Polje, Prijepolje, Priboj and Rudo and, at
Prnjavor through history
There are no detailed research on settling the Prnjavor area. Most studies were carried out on sites discovered by accident during the excavation work. The archaeological remains on them suggest that the area around the River Ukrina was the oldest settlement
Ukrainian church Prnjavor
The first Ukrainian church in the Balkans was built in Prnjavor in 1910. It was destroyed in the civil war and rebuilt in 2000. During removal of the church remains, a bottle with a 1912 parchment about building the church
Ергела липицанера “Вучијак“
У непосредној близини Прњавора према Бањи Кулаши налази се надалеко позната липицанерска ергела “Вучијак“. Ова ергела са дугогодишњом традицијом је један од заштитних знакова Прњавора и посједује 6 линија расплодних коња сорте липицанера (Неаполитано,Сиглари, Плуто, Фавори, Маестро и Конверзано) од
Kulaši Spa
Kulaši Spa is on the 14th kilometre of the Prnjavor - Teslić road. The spa of 12 hectares in area is located at the foot of the beautiful Mount Ljubic, in the gentle valley of River Ukrina, near the Doboj
Jezero (Lake) in Pelagićevo
One of the greatest gems of Pelagićevo is Jezero (Lake) located in the northern part of municipality. The popular name of the lake is "Diplomatic Lake," which was given in the former Yugoslavia since the most frequent visitors to the
Novi Grad through history
In its long history, Novi Grad was being destroyed and rebuilt for more than 20 times. This town, the first written documents of which appeared in 1280 according to the French historian Charles Diehl, was for many years the meeting
River Una
Una River with its tributaries is a true gem of clean drinking water, waterfalls, river islands and fauna. It was named by the ancient Romans, who, when they first saw its scenic beauty and heard the murmur of its waterfalls,
Модрича кроз историју
Током археолосшких истраживања, у долини ријеке Босне, пронађени су трагови паисторијских људи на бројним налазиштима ( Градина и Дуго поље). Према садашњим археолошким подацима, најстарији фармери у општини постојали су у средњем и касном неолитском периоду Много касније (пре 4500 година), темељи првог
Sport and recreation Centre ‘Riječani’
One of the most interesting sport and recreation facilities is the Centre of Humanitarian Organizations "Riječani-Modriča," which is, in fact, sport and recreation centre located in one of the most beautiful parts of Duge njive (Long Fields) in the village
‘DUGA NјIVA’ picnic, hiking and camping place
Duga njiva is a unique picnic, hiking and camping place and health resort, full of waterways and diverse flora and fauna. Duga njiva is located on Mount Trebava, at an altitude of 400 to 644 m. In the summer, this