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Lopare is located in a picturesque landscape, where Mount Majevica connects with the Semberija and Posavina plain.

The first historical data on Lopare are from the second half of the 18th century, where it is described as a stopover for trade caravans etc. Lopare had long been a road type village, with the long main street and small streets, often dead ends separated from the main street.

Given that Lopare is positioned in environmentally healthy environment, the place have the opportunity to become a significant economic, health and tourist centre of this part of the Republic of Srpska.

The region boasts fruit growing, which will have a decisive position in the era of environmental protection and production of healthy food.

The getaway Viva-natura in Busija, Mt. Majevica is at the altitude of 840 m, in an oasis of pine and beech forest and springs of fresh mountain water, vegetation and herbs.