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Sokolica Monastery in Ravna Romanija

Sokolica Monastery in Ravna Romanija

This monastery is in Ravna Romanija, one kilometre from the Sarajevo – Sokolac main road, in the eastern part of Republic of Srpska.
Hi Eminence Metropolitan Nikolaj of Dabar-Bosnia blessed the idea that the church walls should be inscribed with the names of the dead soldiers from this area. So far, about 4000 names have been inscribed. The church was built by contributions of and as desired by the people of the Sarajevo-Romanija region, all of Srpsko Sarajevo municipalities, almost all state and private enterprises of the region and a large number of companies from all parts of Republic of Srpska.
In the courtyard of the temple a memorial chapel was built dedicated to St. Petar Zimonjić, the Metropolitan of Dabar-Bosnia, who was canonized a few years ago.