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Republic of Srpska is located in southeastern Europe on the western part of the Balkan Peninsula. Republic of Srpska was declared on 9.January 1992.and as an entity of Bosnia and Herzegovina it was verified in Dayton Peace Treaty and by singing peace treaty in Paris on 14.December 1995. It Borders vith Serbia, Montenegro, Croatia and entity of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The largest city is Banja Luka and represents administrative, economic and university center of the Republic of Srpska.
Republic of Srpska offers various contents for all touriststhat come to visit us. Fans of active holiday, neture and all those places that keep the spirit of history and tradition, vill find place for themselves here.
Mediterranean and alpine influences meet and create different types of climate in a relatively small area. In the south weather is warm, sunny and dry, with very mild winters. In the more continental areas summers are generally warm, occasionally hot, cool springs and autumns, and cold winters with considerable snowfall. The alpine climate rules the mountain terrains of the high Dinaric Alps above 1700meters.
The average temperature in January is -1 ° C and in July is 20 ° C


Location: Republic of Srpska
Area: 25 053 km², or 49% territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina
Population: around 1.400.000
Official languages: lenguage of Serbian peopel, lenguage of Croatian people and leguage of Bosniak people
National parks: two
The highest peak: Maglić, 2386 m
Time zone : GMT+1hour
Currency : Convertible Mark – 1 EUR=1.95KM

Representative office of the Republic of Srpska in the Kingdom of Belgium – Brussels
e-mail: representation@rep-srpska.eu
website: www.rep-srpska.eu

Representative office of the Republic of Srpska in Israel – Jerusalem у
e-mail: representation@rep-srpska.org.il
website: www.rep-srpska-il.org

Representative office of the Republic of Srpska i USA -Washington
e-mail: info@rsusoffice.org

Representative office of the Republic of Srpska in Russian Federation – Moscow
e-mail:e-e-mail: info@office-rs.ru
website: www.rsmoscowoffice.ru

Representative office of the Republic of Srpska in Serbia – Belgrade
website: www.predstavnistvorsbg.rs

Representative office of the Republic of Srpska FR Germany – Stuttgart
e-mail: predstavnistvo.republikesrpske@gmx.net

Representative office of the Republic of Srpska in Austria – Wien
e-mail: www.predstavnistvorsbg.rs
Website: www.rep-srpska.at