Museum of Mining and Rajko’s Tower
In the heart of the picturesque town of Milici, feel welcome to visit the permanent exhibition of the Museum of Mining, which was open in the Miners' House in celebration of the 50th anniversary of Boksit Company. The exhibits follow the
‘Ozren Days of Wolf’
A traditional event called 'Ozren Days of Wolf' has been held for years in Mount Ozren in February, gathering over 1000 hunters from countries in the region. Apart from a one-day wolf hunt as the main activity, a company of hunters
Највиши врх озренског горја је Велика Остравица са 918 метара надморске висине. За љубитеље бициклизма и пјешачења је и уз постављена одморишта прави изазов доспјети до врха Остравице, али и за оне који који то желе спровести на лагоднији начин је
Gostilj is the most visited in early September, when a traditional event called 'Ozren Tea Day' takes place. The event is dedicated to the herb Teucrium. On that day a cultural and entertaining event is organised, where medicinal Teucrium tea is
Sport and Recreation Centre Preslica
Preslica area belongs to sub-mountainous stretch of Mount Ozren with 280 - 380 masl. Preslica is a wooded area with abundance of clean, fresh water and air, an attractive place for everyone. The central point of this popular picnic place belongs to
The Visegrad Bridge on Drina
The Visegrad Bridge on Drina is the endowment of the Grand Vizier Mehmed Pasha Sokolovic (Turkish Sokollu Mehmet Paşa, 1505 or 1506 - 1579). He is one of the greatest Ottoman military commanders of Bosnian origin. He was born in
Romanija caves
Orlovača Cave is one of the most beautiful jewels having been sculpted and created by the hand of God for millions of years. Its jewellery is unique and unrepeatable. The cave is indescribable, hidden beauty, where stalagmites, stalactites and helictites
Невесињска олимпијада
Невесињска олимпијада једна је од највећих атракција Невесиња са историјом дугом већ 140. година. Мало је догађаја са традицијом какву има Невесињска олимпијада. То је традиционална спортска, културна и туристичка манифестација, која се одржава сваке године у августу, на Братачком лугу
Alagovac Lake
Alagovac Lake is an artificial lake near Nevesinje and the largest lake in the Nevesinje Valley. The area of the lake is 40 ha. At the lake you can fish for: carp, grass carp and silver carp, which are regularly restocked.
Tara River
Tara River is 149 km long, with its spring below a mountain range in the north of Montenegro. At Šćešpan polje Tara joins Pliva River to form Drina River. Tara River is unique as it is characterised by steep banks
Zelengora Lakes – Mountain Eyes
Water is the source of life, it refines nature of completes its pure beauty. A special charm Zelengora has due to its "mountain eyes" - clear glacial lakes, located in the very bases of its peaks. These lakes are real
River Sana
As a sport activity, fishing is very popular on River Sana as it is abundant in different fish, the most famous and appreciated being the Danube salmon. The Sana springs are near the village of Vrbljani, Ribnik municipality. Those are three
Lake Bileća
Lake Bileća on the river Trebišnjica near Bileća is the largest artificial reservoir in the Balkans. The surface of the lake is about 33 km2, depending on the water level. At the bottom of the lake is an abandoned village,
Olić and Djol lakes
Olić lake is located at the foot of the mountain plateau Kozilo, 7 km south of Sipovo. This natural lake with a surface of 1000 m2 and depth of 30m was created in a tectonic recess. Lake water level is
Ada Sokocnica
It is a small island, a picnic spot that is primarily visited for its natural uniqueness. The canyon of the Sokocnica River and the Sokolac cave are interesting for walks; they are places where nature is unchanged by human influence. The
River Pliva
The Pliva area, which constitutes a unique natural and tourist region, seems perfect with its natural beauty and phenomena for rest and relaxation of modern man. In the western part of the municipality of Sipovo, 8.5 km from the town,
Пећина Мишарица
На петом километро од Челинца, односно на седмом од Бањалуке, на лијевој обали Челинског потока, на регионалном путу Бањалука - Челинац, у мјесту Зелени Вир, смјештен је вриједан археолошки локалитет - пећина Мишарица. Само име пећина је добила по својим станодавцима,
The Old Linden in Popovac
The Old Linden in Popovac This large-leaved linden is unique by its age and size. It is considered to be 500 years old. It is located at the 15th kilometre from Čelinac, in the place named Popovac, Krpići hamlet. Its trunk's diameter
Old Town Zmajevac
Čelinac area has about ten Illyrian ruins, one of the most famous being on the 10th kilometre from Banja Luka, immediately above Vrbanja River nearby the railway bridge. Today one can only see ruins of this destroyed, ancient city named Zmajevac,
Medieval town Veledin
At about 10 km southwest of today's town centre of Vlasenica, near the village of Grabovica, Djurici i Misari, the remains of a particularly interesting medieval town Veledin can be found. According to legend, the town was founded and inhabited
Tvrdoš Monastery Wine Cellars
Tvrdoš Monastery monks, led by Hegumen Sava, began a new chapter in the story of the monastic wine making in our country. They have taken care of the vines in Trebinje and Popovo fields. It is certain now that an