Mountain Jahorina – ski center
Jahorina is located in the heart of the Balkans, at the junction of cold continental and warm Mediterranean climate, with the highest peak of Ogorjelica 1916m above sea level, which makes it very healthy and pleasant to spend the winter
Ski center “Ravna planina”
Ski center “Ravna planina” is located about two kilometers from Pale and is one of the most modern ski centers in Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as an oasis of peace and natural beauty during the summer. This ski resort started
Rastuša ceve
Attractiveness and uniqueness of cave formations, as well as rich archaeological, palaeontological and biospeleological site are the main characteristics of this natural monument and resource of the national importance. The cave is of indescribable, hidden beauty, where stalagmites, stalactites and
Rafting on Drina
Rafting on Drina makes you ask yourself when was the last time you enjoyed the delights of nature, without any noise, air pollution or concrete around you. If you want to take a break from all this and enjoy unspoiled
Tara Rafting
Foča municipality is famous for rafting on Tara and Drina rivers. Tara River, with its 80-km long canyon, is one of the most beautiful rivers in Europe. It has the deepest canyon in Europe, which is 1300 metres deep and
Планина Мајевица
Шумовити брдски крај планине Мајевица крије праве природне бисере од којих застаје дах. Љубазни чланови ПЕД Мајевица ће Вам путевима 3 организоване кружне стазе радо открити водопад Скакавац, Шупљу стијену или Новакову пећину. Стаза љубави и задовољства (2 км) води од планинарског дома на
Govještica Cave
Govještica Cave is located in the of the river Prača canyon , Rogatica municipality at an altitude of 580 m (entrance), the length of 9682 m, with a large entrance, which is also the source. Shortly after the main entrance,
Пеинтбол и четвероточкаши… Јахорина
Слични некадашљим “БАГИ-јима”, возила која имају невјерероватну моћ када су у питању неприступачни брдски терени, идеално превозно средство за “раст” адреналина у вашем организму. Тамо гдје је некад тешко стићи и пјешачењем, по падинама и узвишењима Требевића, Јахорине,
Cycling in Jahorina
Mounts Jahorina, Trebevic, Romanija, but also hills and plateaus in their surroundings, are typical representatives of mountainous terrain. Climbs with milder, but also extreme inclination, downhill slopes of the same or similar configuration, a plain area "here and there", all
Hiking across Jahorina, Romanija and Trebević
Someone might think that this kind of sport and recreation does not belong to extreme sports, but tracks in Romanija, Jahorina and Trebevic will show you that hiking in these mountains certainly is an extreme sport. The configuration of the
Параглајдинг са падина Јахорине и Требевића
Paraglajding tandem, Jahorina Lokacija poletista: Sjeverna padina Jahorine Nadmorska visina poletista: 1750m Trajanje leta: 12 do 15 min Koordinate poletista: 43.7191 , 18.5814 Visinska razlika: 890m Pravac leta: sjeveroistok Opis: Paraglajding aktivnosti se upraznjavaju u umjerenim meteouslovima, sa sjevernim pravcima vjetra, na travnatim poletistima i sletistima..Putnik u
Mountaineering in Romanija
The first alpine ascent on Mount Romanija dates back to 1920, when the Djevojačka stijena (Maid's Rock), popularly called 'Đeva' (Maiden) was climbed. Since then, steep cliffs of the legendary mountain have become a sort of training ground for both
Romanija caves
Orlovača Cave is one of the most beautiful jewels having been sculpted and created by the hand of God for millions of years. Its jewellery is unique and unrepeatable. The cave is indescribable, hidden beauty, where stalagmites, stalactites and helictites
The best way to get to know the nature of Banja Luka is through adventure. Here you can go camping, to try rafting, kayaking and canoeing, free climbing, canyoning, cycling, hiking, flying, but also other ways of living with nature. Experienced