National park Drina
National Park "Drina" is the youngest national park and new protected nature area in the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina, which was established in March last year. This National Park is located in the territory of the municipality of
Mountain Ozren
Mount Ozren is located in the northern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina in a lower mountain range, between Bosna River to the west amd Sperča River to the north. Mount Ozren stretches southeast along wonderful Krivaja River in the south
Lake Bileća
Lake Bileća on the river Trebišnjica near Bileća is the largest artificial reservoir in the Balkans. The surface of the lake is about 33 km2, depending on the water level. At the bottom of the lake is an abandoned village,
Visitor Center Pecka
The Visitor Center is located underneath the rocks of the biggest natural rock climbing base in BiH, with the same name, equipped with more than 100 climbing routes. The most significant nearby attractions are the Sana River springs only 6km
Olić and Djol lakes
Olić lake is located at the foot of the mountain plateau Kozilo, 7 km south of Sipovo. This natural lake with a surface of 1000 m2 and depth of 30m was created in a tectonic recess. Lake water level is
River Janj and Janjske otoke
In the southern part of the Šipovo municipality, 13 km from the town centre, under the Janj karst plateau, between the villages Strojice and Babici, in the deep dark canyon, the river Janj emerges at an altitude of 612 m
Пећина Мишарица
На петом километро од Челинца, односно на седмом од Бањалуке, на лијевој обали Челинског потока, на регионалном путу Бањалука - Челинац, у мјесту Зелени Вир, смјештен је вриједан археолошки локалитет - пећина Мишарица. Само име пећина је добила по својим станодавцима,
Recreational Centre ‘Mlinska Rijeka’
Scout, Sport and Recreational Centre 'Mlinska Rijeka' is the largest recreational centre in the region and is recognised in all European scout maps as an International Scout Centre (proclaimed in 1998). It is on the 15th kilometre from Čelinac -
Javor Mountain
While go along the main road through the territory of the municipality of Vlasenica, you have the opportunity to enjoy the untouched nature of the Javor Mountain, picturesque viewpoints offering views for kilometres, all of which provide a precious experience,
Mount Lisina
Mount Lisina is a small mountain range; its highest peak Bandira is 1467 meters above sea level and, due to its geological structure, the mountain is very rich in water, as well as a variety of flora and fauna. Due to
Zelenkovac is a mountain excursion site located about 70 kilometers south-west of Banja Luka. It has the same name as the clear mountain stream on which many centuries ago fifteen watermills were built. In the summer of 1985, one of
Zvornik lake
Zvornik lake is an artificial reservoir created by building the hydroelectric power plant "Zvornik", in the narrowest part of the Drina River, at the exit from the famous Drina canyon. The lake is 25 km long and extends downstream from
Turkish hazel (Corylus colurna)
On the way to Borike, there is an unusual hazel tree which is over half a century old. It is a Corylus colurna tree, popularly known as Turkish hazel. The average age of this endemic species is about 200 years,
Eco-Centre “LJEKARICE”
Eco-Centre "LJEKARICE" was founded with the aim of returning modern man to nature. By visiting our centre, the guest gets the opportunity to learn to respect and love nature and its beauty. This is the basis of ecological tourism and