The Catholic Church of St. Joseph
The Catholic Church of St. Joseph in Pale was built in 1911, and the parish was established in 1925. The church was built in a mountain style and entirely of wood, and therefore the only wooden church in the Archdiocese of
Orthodox Church of Holy Prophet Elijah
The Orthodox Church of the Holy Prophet Elijah was built in the village of Luke, Mount Trebevic, exactly 1500 meters way from the new main road Pale - Tvrdinići - Lukavica. The church was built in 1943 and destroyed in 1955.
Church of the Ascension in Koprivna
The oldest Orthodox church in Modriča is the Church of Ascension in Koprivna, built in 1874. There is a story about building the oldest church in Modriča passed from generation to generation. Namely, the church builder, a man called Stajo
The Catholic Church of Virgin Mary in Modriča
The Church of Our Lady in Modriča was built in 1889. It was destroyed in 1992. The earthwork and digging of the foundations for a new church in Modriča began on September 23, 2002. The bell for the parish church was
The Old Church in Ljubinje
The Old Church in Ljubinje was built in 1866. The church was built of stone and has a bell tower with three bells, one of which was damaged in 1941, in the Second World War. The church was covered with
Klisina Monastery
On the old monastery site from the 15th century, a monastery was built that today is one of the spiritual centres of the north-western part of the Republic of Srpska.
Ali-aga’s mosque
The town mosque or Ali-aga's mosque, as it is called, was built in the late 16th century and it is located in the centre of town of Derventa.
Donja Bisnja Monastery
Donja Bisnja Monastery is a Serbian Orthodox monastery dedicated to the Shroud of the Holy Virgin Mary. The monastery is located in Donja Bisnja next to Derventa, on the road to Kalenderovci. The monastery belongs to the Zvornik-Tuzla Diocese.
The wooden church in Palačkovci
The wooden church in Palačkovci was built in 1843. This cultural monument, dedicated to the Apostles Peter and Paul, was entirely built of oak wood. At that time, the permit to build an Orthodox church was paid in gold and
Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church of Hrista Carja
The Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church of Hrista Carja is a religious building of Ukrainian Greek Catholics in Banja Luka. It was demolished during the bombing of Banja Luka in the Second World War. The land for construction of the church
Cathedral St. Bonaventure
The cathedral in Banja Luka is usually known as "the Bishop's church," because it is not a parish church. The cathedral is dedicated to St. Bonaventure (+1274) and it was built in 1885-1887. At that time, this part of Banja
Ferhadija mosque
The Ferhadija mosque was the central building of the Banja Luka town and one of the most successful achievements of Islamic architecture of the 16th century. It was built in 1579, as is witnessed by an epitaph on a stone
Kondžilo sanctuary
Kondžilo sanctuary is located in Komušina, 20 km from Teslić towards Blatnica. Every year on the Feast of the Assumption, over 20,000 visitors from all over the world come to this place to make a procession to follow the image
Wooden church Teslić
A wooden church dedicated to the Assumption of Virgin Mary is located in Vrućica settlement and was reconstructed on the site of the former place of worship dating back to 1642. The reconstruction was carried out to retain the church's
Liplje Monastery
Liplje Monastery is located at the foot of Mt. Borja, 25 km from Teslić. According to folklore, the construction of the monastery was associated with Stefan Nemanja and St. Sava, and the monastery was first mentioned in the second half
Osman-Pasha’s Mosque
This mosque is located in the Old Town (Kastel) near the main (western) gate and the town walls. It was built of cut stone and covered with a pyramid roof imitating a dome under the eternit. A stone octagonal minaret
Trebinje monasteries
Gračanica of Herzegovina a magnificent edifice built in 2000, dedicated to Holy Mother of God. As desired by the famous Trebinje poet Jovan Dučić, which he put in his last will and testament, the Church of Holy Mother of God was
Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul
The Orthodox Church of Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Borike was built in 1909 and consecrated in 1911. The Orthodox population here combined the religious tradition of these areas with entertainment, creating an event to present Serbian folklore ensembles, toast
Azizija Mosque
Azizija Mosque was built in 1862 during the reign of Sultan Abdul Aziz, and is the largest mosque in Republic of Srpska.
Манастир свете Петке
Манастир Свете Петке се налази на ободу насеља Пет језера. Посвећен је Преподобној мајци Параскеви. Ова монументална грађевина са изведеним куполама свакодневно привлачи пажњу путника док пролазе обилазницом око Бијељине која води према Србији. Манастир је женски и још увијек
Манастир Драгаљевац
Манастир Драгаљевац, налази се на деветом километру од магистралног пута Бијељина-Брчко у селу Горњи Драгаљевац. Подигнут је 1909. године, а црква посвећена Светим апостолима Петру и Павлу је четврта црква на овом мјесту. Сматра се да су прве три биле