Манастир св. Василија Острошког
С обзиром да се уочава са свих страна, постао је симбол и оријентир за путнике кроз Бијељину. Манастирски храм представља архитектонско и умјетничко дјело високе вриједности за чију су изградњу ангажовани најбољи неимари овога краја. У храму се испред олтара налазе
Манастир Тавна
На питомим обронцима Мајевице, који се благо спуштају ка ријеци Дрини и семберској равници, на извору истоимене рјечице налази се Манастир Тавна ( 15 вијек). До манастира Тавна лако се стиже асфалтним путевима из Бијељине, Лознице, Зворника и Угљевика. Помиње се
Спомен храма Светих апостола Петра и Павла
На улазу у Добој са сјеверне стране 1931. године почела је градња Спомен храма Светих апостола Петра и Павла. Црква је изграђена на земљишту бивших аустро-угарских војничких барака. Одликује се српско-византијским стилом са тлоцртом у облику крста димензија 16,90 x 16,90 м.
Sokolica Monastery in Ravna Romanija
This monastery is in Ravna Romanija, one kilometre from the Sarajevo - Sokolac main road, in the eastern part of Republic of Srpska. Hi Eminence Metropolitan Nikolaj of Dabar-Bosnia blessed the idea that the church walls should be inscribed with the
Catholic church Sacred Heart of Jesus
Doboj Catholic Parish was founded on September 1, 1896. An army barrack was converted into a small Catholic chapel in 1879. The parochial church and house were built from 1896 to 1910 in the place halfway between where Doboj used to
Jewish Home “Bet Shalom”,Doboj
The first Jewish Home with a synagogue was built in 1874, whose entrance door are placed as a symbol of remembrance in the yard of the newly built Doboj synagogue . The present-time synagogue was consecrated in November 2003, and after
Mosque Selimiye
In the immediate vicinity of the fortress that dominates the town is Charshiya Mosque called Selimiye, best known among population as the Upper Mosque. That is the first mosque built in Doboj, it was built in 1522 by Sultan Selim II,
The Church of Saint Elijah in Sokolac (Lazarica of Romanija)
The church was being built from 1876 to 1882. In April 1941, the paintings and iconostasis of the church together with furnishing were destroyed in the fire after bombing by German planes. The church and parochial house were restored in
Papraća Monastery
Papraća Monastery is 12 km from Lovnica and is located in the namesake village on the Zvornik-Šekovići road. The River Spreča spring flows through the monastery yard, and the nearby Mount Borogovo adds to the beauty of the monastery. With
Lovnica Monastery
The Lovnica Monastery is located at the spring of River Lovnica, in Donje Birče, two kilometres from Šekovići. According to folklore, the monastery was founded by King Dragutin Nemanjić, and was built in the place where the king "hunted the
Monastery of St. Nicholas on Ozren mountain
The Orthodox monastery of St. Nicholas, an endowment of the Serbian king Dragutin who ruled this region in the Middle Ages, is located seven kilometers south of Petrovo in a mountainous area through which the beautiful river Jadrina flows. In March
Dobrun Monastery
Dobrun Monastery, in some sources known as Krusevo, is located in the picturesque mountainous region on the road Visegrad - Uzice, 12 km from Visegrad in the gorge of the Rzav River. It is dedicated to the Annunciation and it
Monastery Sase
Near the ancient site of Domavia in the municipality of Srebrenica, and 15 km from the Drina Sase, there is a monastery dedicated to the Holy Trinity. It was built in the mid-fourteenth century and, according to tradition, it was
The Otrhodox Church of Saint George – Vjenčac, Nevesinje
The wooden church dedicated to St. George is located on Vjenčac site, the medieval city located on a dominant position above Nevesinje. It is assumed that a church was there in the Middle Ages as well. The Šipovac Brotherhood, which acts
The Church of the Holy Trinity in Kifino Selo
The Church of the Holy Trinity in Kifino Selo is the oldest medieval church in Nevesinje, and is assumed to be an endowment of the Nemanjić Dynasty. It was renovated in 1810 and consecrated on Pentecost, 14 May 1816, by
Саборна црква Св. Саве Билећа
Саборна црква Св.Саве Билећа Саграђена је у вријеме Аустрије, прилозима српског народа Билеће и од помоћи Земаљске Владе у Сарајеву. Грађена је у романо-готском стилу. Године 1896, на Малу Госпојину освештана је и посвећена Св. Сави Српском. Налази се у
Monastery Glogovac
The story on the origins of the Glogovac monastery was preserved in the people. According to tradition, representatives of the people addressed the vizier with a request to approve construction of a church. The vizier sent them to seek consent
The City mosque Prijedor
The City mosque is located in the part of Prijedor which is called Stari grad (Old Town). During the reign of Sultan Mahmud I (1730-1754), a fortress was built on the island in 1747 and inside it a mosque. The
The Čarsija mosque Prijedor
The exact year of construction of the Čaršija mosque in Prijedor is unknown, it dates back to before 1840, with the assumption that the first mosque was built in this spot during the reign of Sultan Mahmud I (1730-1754). This
Catholic Church of Saint Josip
The parish was established in April 1891 by secession from Volar. There were at least three parishes and churches of the Diocese of Zagreb at the present location of the parish in 1334: in Kozarac, Dragotinja and Puharska. The parish
Ortodoxs church of the “Holy Trinity”
In the great fire that occurred in 1882, most of the city was burned down as well as a wooden church, which was located on the site of the present day church of the Holy Trinity. After that, a reconstruction