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Manjaca is a mountain in the northern part of Republic of Srpska, belonging to the Dinaric mountain system and situated about 25 kilometers south of Banja Luka. It extends across the municipalities of Mrkonjic Grad, Banja Luka and Ribnik, which lies just 15 kilometers away. The highest peak, Velika Manjaca, reaches 1239 meters above sea level. The mountain is characterized by karst terrain with dolomite and limestone rocks, hosting numerous caves and pits, including one of Republic of Srpska’s deepest pits, which plunges to 302 meters. Manjaca is surrounded by the Vrbas river to the east and the Sana river to the west, and is home to a rich diversity of flora and fauna.

Interesting facts

Interesting facts
Manjaca is the birthplace of writer and national tribune Petar Kocic. In his honor, the annual “Kocicev Zbor” festival takes place every August, drawing numerous cultural figures. In appreciation of Kocic, the “Zmijanje” association was established in Banja Luka in the early 1930s, which built a monument in his memory.
Zmijanje embroidery
One of Manjaca’s cultural gems is the Zmijanje embroidery, considered the oldest hand embroidery technique in the Balkans. Characterized by its unique cross-stitch technique and always presented in dark blue, Zmijanje embroidery has been on UNESCO’s Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage since 2014. Originating from the Zmijanje region, known for its untamed winds and highland beauty, the craft is preserved by the skilled hands of Krajina embroiderers and showcased through folk costumes and performances.
Zmijanje cake
Another notable feature of the region is the Zmijanje cake, a traditional dessert embodying the area’s heritage, offering a unique taste and symbolizing love and this area’s past times and those to come.

За љубитеље спортско-рекреативних активности и нетакнуте природе означене су пјешачке и бициклистичке стазе.

For nature and sports enthusiasts, Manjaca provides marked hiking and cycling trails amidst unspoiled landscapes. The Manjaca Tourist and Recreation Complex, along with lake Manjaca has become a popular destination in recent years, offering a tranquil retreat and a perfect spot for relaxation and recreation.