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Nature Parks

Nature Park Cicelj

The first proclaimed Nature Park is “Cicelj” in Cajnice. This protected area spans over 300 hectares, featuring endemic plant species, unique soil composition and high-quality water sources. The Cicelj Nature Park is distinctive as a protected area because some of its parts border the urban area of Cajnice. A particular highlight is the Orlovac rocks, along with three mountain water springs: Trojan, Hladna Voda and Cicelj.

Nature park Praca

The Nature Park “Praca” is located in the eastern part of Republic of Srpska, within the municipality of Rogatica. The primary value of this protected area lies in the gorge-canyon valley carved by the river of the same name. On the left side of the valley, in thick layers of carbonate rocks, numerous underground karst formations have been created. The most significant is the Govjestica cave system, which, at 9870 meters in length, is the longest cave in Republic of Srpska.

Nature Park Una

Парк природе Уна се налази на простору четири општине и то Нови Град, Костајница, Козарска Дубица и Крупа на Уни. Основне карактеристике овог подручја чини смарагдна ријека Уна, те низ других феномена, међу којима се истичу брзаци, водопади, аде и ријечна језера, те богата обална вегетација која прати ријеку дужином цијелог њеног тока.

Nature Park Trebevic

The Nature Park “Trebevic” is located within the territory of the City of Istocno Sarajevo. Its primary value and most striking feature of the terrain is Trebevic mountain, characterized by several medium-height ridges and exceptional morphological diversity. The proximity to large urban areas and the predominantly mountainous climate are suitable for the park’s function as a recreational and excursion destination.

Nature Park Tara

The Nature Park “Tara” is located within the municipality of Foca and has been designated as a protected area to preserve its unique and attractive morphological features, as well as the deeply carved Tara river valley, which, over a large part, has canyon-like characteristics. The most prominent canyon development is in the wider area of Mestrevac, where the valley sides are cut into Triassic sediments, mainly limestones, reaching depths of 1000 meters. Mountains surround the canyon, the most notable being Ljubisnja, whose peak at an altitude of 2190 meters ranks it as the third highest mountain in Republic of Srpska.

Nature Park Orjen

The Nature Park “Orjen” encompasses the protected areas of Orjen and Bijela Gora (the northern side of Orjen) within the territory of the City of Trebinje. In addition to being the highest mountain in the coastal Dinaric massif, the park’s primary value lies in its geological, geomorphological, biological and landscape diversity, as well as its preserved natural ecosystems with numerous endemic, relict and endangered species. Orjen Nature Park is particularly unique as the only habitat in the world home to the rare Orjen iris (Iris orjenii). Despite being a highly karstic and waterless mountain, Orjen receives the highest rainfall in Europe, with an annual average of 4762 mm/m².