River Drina
The River Drina is considered one of the most beautiful rivers in the former Yugoslavia. In the past it was famous for its impetuous nature and rafters fighting its waterfalls. Due to its winding flow, there is the popular saying
Zvornik fishing area
Zvornih fishing area includes the urban area of Zvornik and municipalities of Vlasenica, Bratunac, Šekovići, Milići and Srebrenica, and is characterised by abundance of cyprinid and salmonid fish species. Fishing techniques applied in Zvornik fishing area are fly fishing, swimbait,
Birac hunting region
Hunting region Birac includes municipalities Vlasenica, Bratunac, Zvornik, Sekovici, Milici i Srebrenica. The following hunting grounds are in this region: Caus, Birac, Mladjevac, Kozluk, Komic, Javor, Bisina, Borogovo and especially the hunting ground Susica. The hunting grounds in this region are of
Мотел Јасен
Светог Саве 240 75420 Братунац Teл: +387 (0)56 410 688
Језеро Перућац
Хидроакумулација Перућац је добијена преграђивањем Дрине бетонском браном дужине 461 м и висине 90 м са акумулацијом од 340 hm³ воде. Тако је цијели ток Дрине у једном дијелу, престао да буде ток и постао језеро дуго 52 km (
Bratunac municipality is situated in the valley of the Drina river, in the eastern part of Republic of Srpska. During its course through Bratunac municipality, the Drina river with its tributaries represents a luxurious gift of the nature and it