Которварошка риболовна регија
У которварошкој риболовној регији заступљене су ципринидне и салмонидне врсте риба. Регија обухвата подручје општине Котор Варош ,Челинац, Кнежево и Прњавор. Риболовно подручје на територији општине Котор Варош обухвата подручје ријеке Врбање, са многобројним притокама које су богате племенитом рибом, највише
Special hunting ground Rupska rijeka
This is a special hunting ground managed by FE Celinac Total area: 3.612 ha Type of hunting ground: hilly Altitude: 350 m to 840 m Species of game: deer, rabbit and wild boar. Hunting-technical facilities and breeding facilities: open stands, feeding areas and waterholes. Contact: FE Celinac Tel: +387
Banjaluka hunting region
It stretches into the territory of the city of Banja Luka and municipalities Celinac, Kotor Varos and Knezevo. It includes 9 fishing grounds and they are: Banja Luka, Manjaca, Bobija, Kotor Varos, Maslovare, Siprage, Knezevo, Celinac and especially the fishing ground
Hotel Turist
Hotel Turist Čelinac Tel: +387 (0)51 551 230 e-mail: ugoturs@teol.net
Пећина Мишарица
На петом километро од Челинца, односно на седмом од Бањалуке, на лијевој обали Челинског потока, на регионалном путу Бањалука - Челинац, у мјесту Зелени Вир, смјештен је вриједан археолошки локалитет - пећина Мишарица. Само име пећина је добила по својим станодавцима,
The Old Linden in Popovac
The Old Linden in Popovac This large-leaved linden is unique by its age and size. It is considered to be 500 years old. It is located at the 15th kilometre from Čelinac, in the place named Popovac, Krpići hamlet. Its trunk's diameter
Church of the Holy Virgin
It is located at the very border with Prnjavor area, near Šarinci and Mravica. According to documents of the Serbian Orthodox Church, a wooden church was built in 1903 and consecrated in 1904 by the Metropolit of Banja Luka-Bihać Evgenije. The
Recreational Centre ‘Mlinska Rijeka’
Scout, Sport and Recreational Centre 'Mlinska Rijeka' is the largest recreational centre in the region and is recognised in all European scout maps as an International Scout Centre (proclaimed in 1998). It is on the 15th kilometre from Čelinac -
Old Town Zmajevac
Čelinac area has about ten Illyrian ruins, one of the most famous being on the 10th kilometre from Banja Luka, immediately above Vrbanja River nearby the railway bridge. Today one can only see ruins of this destroyed, ancient city named Zmajevac,
Jungić Winery
At only 15 km from Banja Luka (Čelinac county), you can have an unforgettable experience in wonderful vineyards of Jungić Winery. Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Frankovka, Chardonnay, Pinot Blanc and Rhine Riesling are grapes grown on these beautiful sunny hillocks and
More agreeable life conditions made Čelinac and its surroundings vibrant long ago, the fact confirmed by numerous arhaeological findings. Čelinac area has about ten Illyrian ruins, one of the most famous being on the 10th kilometre away from Banja Luka, immediately