Terme Ozren
The Terme Ozren complex is a modern recreational center with 11 outdoor and indoor swimming pools, accommodation facilities, a restaurant and a wellness & spa zone. The temperature in the pools ranges from 29C to 36C as the pool with thermo-mineral
Спомен храма Светих апостола Петра и Павла
На улазу у Добој са сјеверне стране 1931. године почела је градња Спомен храма Светих апостола Петра и Павла. Црква је изграђена на земљишту бивших аустро-угарских војничких барака. Одликује се српско-византијским стилом са тлоцртом у облику крста димензија 16,90 x 16,90 м.
Catholic church Sacred Heart of Jesus
Doboj Catholic Parish was founded on September 1, 1896. An army barrack was converted into a small Catholic chapel in 1879. The parochial church and house were built from 1896 to 1910 in the place halfway between where Doboj used to
Jewish Home “Bet Shalom”,Doboj
The first Jewish Home with a synagogue was built in 1874, whose entrance door are placed as a symbol of remembrance in the yard of the newly built Doboj synagogue . The present-time synagogue was consecrated in November 2003, and after
Mosque Selimiye
In the immediate vicinity of the fortress that dominates the town is Charshiya Mosque called Selimiye, best known among population as the Upper Mosque. That is the first mosque built in Doboj, it was built in 1522 by Sultan Selim II,
Mountain Ozren
Mount Ozren is located in the northern part of Bosnia and Herzegovina in a lower mountain range, between Bosna River to the west amd Sperča River to the north. Mount Ozren stretches southeast along wonderful Krivaja River in the south
Rural tourism in Ozren
Staying in the countryside provides a relaxing holiday, where life is filled with discovering nature and tradition. Ozren is still full of heritage of the traditional way of life, clean water and healthy food, beautiful nature and good people. Apart from
‘Ozren Days of Wolf’
A traditional event called 'Ozren Days of Wolf' has been held for years in Mount Ozren in February, gathering over 1000 hunters from countries in the region. Apart from a one-day wolf hunt as the main activity, a company of hunters
Највиши врх озренског горја је Велика Остравица са 918 метара надморске висине. За љубитеље бициклизма и пјешачења је и уз постављена одморишта прави изазов доспјети до врха Остравице, али и за оне који који то желе спровести на лагоднији начин је
Gostilj is the most visited in early September, when a traditional event called 'Ozren Tea Day' takes place. The event is dedicated to the herb Teucrium. On that day a cultural and entertaining event is organised, where medicinal Teucrium tea is
Sport and Recreation Centre Preslica
Preslica area belongs to sub-mountainous stretch of Mount Ozren with 280 - 380 masl. Preslica is a wooded area with abundance of clean, fresh water and air, an attractive place for everyone. The central point of this popular picnic place belongs to
Doboj fishing area
Doboj fishing area has almost exclusively got cypirinid fish species. Doboj fishing area includes City of Doboj and municipalities of Derventa, Teslić and Petrovo. In fishing areas of this region, the most frequent fishing technique is float fishing as well
Doboj hunting region
It extends to the areas of municipalities of Doboj, Teslic, Petrovo and Derventa. It includes 4 hunting grounds and they are: Motajica, Doboj, Petrovo and Borja. The hunting grounds in the area are of a hilly-mountainous type. Game species in this region are:
Tourist organization Doboj
Contact: Tourist organization Doboj Address : Cara Dušana bb, 74 000 Doboj Phone: +387 (0) 53 208 770 Еmail: dobojturizam@yahoo.com Web: https://posjetidoboj.ba/
Motel Amer Pier
Motel Amer Pier Doboj Теl: +387 (0)53 206 140 e-mail: amer_pier@live.com Web: www.amer-pier.com
Мотел Гајић
Шешлије 74 000 Добој Тел: +387 (0)53 282 603 e-mail: info@motel-gajic.com web: www.posjetidoboj.ba
Motel Oliver`s
Motel Oliver`s Doboj Теl:+387(0)53/288-450
Motel Magistrala
Motel Magistrala Doboj Теl: + 387 (0)53 221 902 е-mail: magistrala@teol.net web: www.magistrala.com
Хотел Итенгра
Видовданска 61 А 74 000 Добој Тел: +387 (0)53 224 274 e-mail: info@hotelintegra.com web:www.hotelintegra.com
Royal Village Kotromanićevo
Twenty kilometres from Doboj towards Derventa and 45 kms from Croatian border, a tourist settlement named 'Royal Village Kotromanićevo' is located on one hectare in area. It was built on the bank of Veličanka River, rich in fish and shells,
With its location at the key point on the rivers of Bosna, Usora and Spreča, Doboj is the largest railway hub in the country and the seat of Željeznice Republike Srpske (RS Railways, transl. note). The first official record of