Которварошка риболовна регија
У которварошкој риболовној регији заступљене су ципринидне и салмонидне врсте риба. Регија обухвата подручје општине Котор Варош ,Челинац, Кнежево и Прњавор. Риболовно подручје на територији општине Котор Варош обухвата подручје ријеке Врбање, са многобројним притокама које су богате племенитом рибом, највише
Banjaluka hunting region
It stretches into the territory of the city of Banja Luka and municipalities Celinac, Kotor Varos and Knezevo. It includes 9 fishing grounds and they are: Banja Luka, Manjaca, Bobija, Kotor Varos, Maslovare, Siprage, Knezevo, Celinac and especially the fishing ground
Kneževo through history
The municipality of Kneževo was also inhabited in ancient times, probably during the Neolithic period. It is clear that this area was inhabited by people of Illyrian origin, which later mixed with the Celts and other immigrants, including Slavic tribes.
Cultural and historical heritage of Kneževo
In Kneževo municipality, there are traces of monuments from the time of Bogomilism - tombstones, upright stone slabs decorated with paintings and relief (village Baština, Mramorije in Kobilja and Barice in village Borak), a monument from the Second World War
Ugar River
Ugar River, a right tributary of Vrbas River, springs under the slopes of Vlasic and hollows out a cascade bed in a great fall. Its meandering flow, rich in water, is home to Ugar River trout of bright, almost silvery
On the timbered plateau on the north-western slopes of Vlašić mountain, there is Kneževo municipality. There are many wooden churches (the best known are St Nicola’s and St Elias’), included in the cultural heritage, that are proof of the rich history