Которварошка риболовна регија
У которварошкој риболовној регији заступљене су ципринидне и салмонидне врсте риба. Регија обухвата подручје општине Котор Варош ,Челинац, Кнежево и Прњавор. Риболовно подручје на територији општине Котор Варош обухвата подручје ријеке Врбање, са многобројним притокама које су богате племенитом рибом, највише
Banjaluka hunting region
It stretches into the territory of the city of Banja Luka and municipalities Celinac, Kotor Varos and Knezevo. It includes 9 fishing grounds and they are: Banja Luka, Manjaca, Bobija, Kotor Varos, Maslovare, Siprage, Knezevo, Celinac and especially the fishing ground
Хотел Свети Петар
Цера Душана бб 78 220 Котор Варош Тел: +387 65 964 164 st.petar2013@gmail.com www.booking.com
Kotor Varoš through history
Archaeologically and historically, Kotor Varoš municipality is very little explored. The history records that settlements existed in this area in the distant past, even in the Neolithic period. The area was inhabited by the Ilyrians at the time. In the fourth
Medieval fortress of Kotor
Medieval fortress of Kotor is located above the left bank of the Vrbanja River, overlooking the Bobas River , as some call it. There is a legend saying that Hrvoje Vukčić Hrvatinić jumped off his black horse from Ravni Čepak
River Vrbanja
It springs below Mount Vlasic at the village of Vrbanja, at an altitude of 1520 m. It flows into Vrbas River as its right tributary, near Banja Luka. Vrbanja is a mountain river with lots of tributaries rich in high quality
Kotor Varoš
Kotor Varos municipality is located in the central part of RS, and mostly is hilly and mountainous area surrounded by mountain ranges Uzlomac, Borja Vlašić and slopes of Mt. Čemernica. The backbone of the road network in the municipality of