Сеоско домаћинство “Бањац”
Вина породице Бањац одликују се квалитетом коју могу пружати само мали произвођачи, они који пажљиво његују ограничене количине грожђа и вина. Не пропустите посјетити Вински подрум породице Бањац која се бави виноградарством и винарством у селу Клековци које је удаљено 7
Special hunting ground Kozara
The Kozara National Park manages the special hunting ground "Kozara". The hunting area is 16,728 ha (of which the hunting area is 15.781ha and non-hunting is 947ha) and it is of a hilly type. The hunting ground is divided into three
Gradiška fishing area
The Gradiška fishing area includes the municipalities of Gradiška, Laktaši, Srbac, Kozarska Dubica and Kostajnica, and is abundant in cypirinid fish species. The main watercourses are the River Sava as well as lower parts of the rivers Una and Vrbas,
Una-Sana hunting region
It stretches over municipalities of Novi Grad, Kozarska Dubica, Kostajnica and Prijedor. It includes 13 fishing grounds and they are: Kozarska Dubica, Vojskova, Novi, Pastirevo, Rudice, Svodna, Ljubija, Mrakovica, Omarska, Sanicani, Balј, Ostra Luka and especially hunting ground Kozara. The hunting grounds in
Tourist Organization of Kozarska Dubica
Теl: 052/417-356 Fax: 052/411-278 Address: Svetosavska bb е-mail: tookd@mediaproline.net www.turizam-kd.com
Апартмани Дошлић
Владимира Илича Лењина бб 79 240 Козарска Дубица Тел: +387 52/ 410 652 Fax: +387 52/ 420 782 www.doslic.com
Зептер Хотел
Светосавска 2 79 240 Козарска Дубица Тел: +00387 52/ 424 242 info@zepterhotel.com www.zepterhotel.com
Kozarska Dubica through history
Sites and some data suggest that this area was inhabited from time immemorial. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the area between the rivers Una and Vrbas were inhabited by Slavic tribes. From the year 930, this region has witnessed
Monastery Moštanica
Its dimensions are monumental and the architectural decoration makes Moštanica church a lavish structure and one of the most daring and most beautiful religious buildings in Serbian medieval architecture. Its, at least, five hundred year history and the extremely brave,
Mlječanica Spa
Healing water of the Mlječanica spa is over 5000 years old, and first research of the mineral water of the site was conducted by the Viennese chemists E. Ludnjig and S. Kratzer from 1886 to 1889. The Mljecanica Spa (Institute
Kozara National Park
Kozara National Park, sized 3,494.51 ha, was established in 1967 with the aim of protecting Kozara mountain and its cultural, historical and natural values.Central part of the National Park and Kozara mountain is the area of Mrakovica, with its flat
Kozarska Dubica
A small town on the banks of the beautiful Una River, on the slopes of the legendary Kozara Mountain in northwestern Republic of Srpska, which charms its visitors every day with interesting buildings of the twentieth century and modern architecture