Hostel Laktaši spa
Address: Karađorđevа 44 78 250 Laktaši Phone: +387 (0)51 532 256 e-mail: web:
Излетиште Балкис
Излетиште Балкис смјештено је у атрактивном природном амбијенту на обронцима Козаре, 10 минута вожње од Лакташа, само 2км од аутопута Градишка-Бања Лука на излазу Александровац. Смјештајни капацитети са укупно 28 кревета, налазе се у модерно опремљеним бунгаловима изграђеним у етно стилу.
The oldest basilica in willage Gornji Bakinci
Early Byzantine lost town "Balkis" from the 4th century In September 2012, archaeologists of Zavicajni museum Gradiska, in the Laktasi village of Gornji Bakinci, discovered the lost city of the early Byzantine "Balkis" from the 4th century. The town consists of
Healing rocks in village Devetina
In the Laktasi village Devetina, in front of the Ukrainian, Greek Catholic Church, in a beautiful century-old oak forest, there are eight boulders. The ninth is a few kilometres away and legend says that Marko Kraljevic threw it there when
Stone ball in Slatina
The stone ball in Slatina, in Laktasi, is the largest stone ball in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It is estimated that it weighs about 10 tons and it has a diameter of about 2 metres. What is interesting is that its creation
Gradiška fishing area
The Gradiška fishing area includes the municipalities of Gradiška, Laktaši, Srbac, Kozarska Dubica and Kostajnica, and is abundant in cypirinid fish species. The main watercourses are the River Sava as well as lower parts of the rivers Una and Vrbas,
Tourist Organization of Laktaši
Теl: 051/533-269 Fax: 051/533-269 Address: Karađorđevića 58 е-mail:
Хотел Москва
Карађорђева 37 Лакташи 78250 Телефон:+00387 51/ 532-100 e-mail:
Хотел Ћубић
Hotel Ćubić Svetosavska 227, Glamočani 78250 Laktaši Tel.: (+387) 51 331 000 E-mail: web:
Hotel ” Vila Viktorija “
Hotel " VIla Viktorija " Banja Luka Reception: +387 51 507 420 Fax – reception: +387 51 507 421 Restaurant: +387 51 585 505 Email: web:
Hotel San
Hotel San Laktaši +387 (0)51 532 256; +387 (0)51 533 043 +387(0)51 530 392 e- web:
Вила Александар и Алексеј
78250 Лакташи Тел: +00387 51/580-222 Маглајани Доњи*-*-*
Хотел Браћа Ђукић
Друговићи бб 78 250 Лакташи Тел: +387 51/ 503 511 e-mail: web:
Хотел Калдера
Алексадровац бб 78 250 Лакташи Тел: +387 51/ 582 300 Fax: +387 51/ 582 282 E-mail:
Motajica-Lijevce hunting region
It stretches over municipalities: Laktasi, Srbac, Gradiska and Prnjavor. It includes 10 hunting grounds, and they are: Grbavica–Jablanica, Karajzovci-Romanovici, Laminci-Prosara, Laktasi, Prnjavor, Ljubic, Ribnjak, Srbac, Bardaca and Motajica. The hunting grounds in this region are of a hilly-lowland type. Game species in this
Лакташи кроз историју
Постојање праисторијских људских заједница на простору општине Лакташи може се пратити још од неколико десетина хиљада година прије нове ере, па све до првих година нове ере, када су уз помоћ легија славног војсковође Германикуса власт успоставили Римљани и тиме
Ortodox church in Maglajani
It stands out with its interior, exceptional beauty of the altar and icons, but also for its church chandelier. It is the largest gold-plated chandelier in these parts. It was made in Russia and its size, beauty and richness of
Church of the Shroud of the Holy Virgin Mary
Church of the Shroud of the Holy Virgin Mary in the centre of Laktasi is one of the largest Orthodox churches in the Republic of Srpska. It was built in the Byzantine style, with three domes and a tower 40
Ukrainian church in the village Devetina
A from 1936 is located in the village Devetina, in an excellent ambiance of old oak trees. A special feature consists of ten stone stabs in the yard of the church, of unknown origin and manner of origin, which are
Italian church in village Mahovljani
When, in 1883, several Italian families moved into the Laktasi village of Mahovljani, they built a church for their religious needs. The church is a monument protected by the state. It is dedicated to St. Francis of Assisi. In the
Wooden church in Malo Blasko
Wooden church in Malo Blasko is dedicated to the Birth of the Virgin Mary. This church is the most significant historical monument in the municipality of Laktasi and beyond. There are no accurate data about when the church was built,