Church of the Ascension in Koprivna
The oldest Orthodox church in Modriča is the Church of Ascension in Koprivna, built in 1874. There is a story about building the oldest church in Modriča passed from generation to generation. Namely, the church builder, a man called Stajo
The Catholic Church of Virgin Mary in Modriča
The Church of Our Lady in Modriča was built in 1889. It was destroyed in 1992. The earthwork and digging of the foundations for a new church in Modriča began on September 23, 2002. The bell for the parish church was
Posavina and Brod fishing area
This area is characterised by abundance of cypirinid species of fish. The fishing area includes municipalities of Brod, Vukosavlјe, Modriča, Šamac and Pelagićevo. In fishing areas of this region, the most frequent fishing technique is float fishing as well as
Modrica hunting region
Modrica region extends on the territory of municipalities: Modrica, Samac i Pelagicevo. It includes 7 hunting grounds, and they are: Vukosavlјe, Majna, Pelagicevo, Vucijak, Sijekovac, Samac and Posavlјe. The hunting grounds in this region are of a lowland-hilly type. Game species in this
Tourist Organization of Modriča
Теl: 053/813-092 Fax: 053/813-092 Address: Trg Nemanjića bb е-mail:
Мотел Дворац М-М
Врњачки пут бб 74480 Модрича Тел: +00387 65/ 434 459 Е-маил : web:
Мотел Мајна
Книнска улица 40 74480 Модрича Е-маил: Тел: +387 53 / 822 000
Пут ракије Крушик
Дестилерија и воћњак Крушик налазе се 10 km од Модриче, 7 km од Градачца, у мјесту Доњи Скугрић, засеок Мишићи. Читаво имање простире се на око 30 ha земље. У засаду је 25.000 стабала крушке, 15.000 стабала јабуке, 5.000 стабала шљиве и 5.000
Модрича кроз историју
Током археолосшких истраживања, у долини ријеке Босне, пронађени су трагови паисторијских људи на бројним налазиштима ( Градина и Дуго поље). Према садашњим археолошким подацима, најстарији фармери у општини постојали су у средњем и касном неолитском периоду Много касније (пре 4500 година), темељи првог
Sport and recreation Centre ‘Riječani’
One of the most interesting sport and recreation facilities is the Centre of Humanitarian Organizations "Riječani-Modriča," which is, in fact, sport and recreation centre located in one of the most beautiful parts of Duge njive (Long Fields) in the village
‘DUGA NјIVA’ picnic, hiking and camping place
Duga njiva is a unique picnic, hiking and camping place and health resort, full of waterways and diverse flora and fauna. Duga njiva is located on Mount Trebava, at an altitude of 400 to 644 m. In the summer, this
Dobor tower
One of the most representative cultural and historical monuments in the municipality of Modriča is by all means the Old Town Dobor with its Dobor tower. It is located along the left bank of Bosna River, about 4 km upstream
Modriča municipality is located in the north of the Republic of Srpska and Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the area of 297 km2. It is located about 30 km away from the Belgrade - Zagreb highway and has a good road