Туристичка организација Невесиње
Teл: +387 (0) 59 601 405 e-маил: to.nevesinje@gmail.com Адреса: Цара Душана 44 88 280 Невесиње www.nevesinjeturizam.com
The Otrhodox Church of Saint George – Vjenčac, Nevesinje
The wooden church dedicated to St. George is located on Vjenčac site, the medieval city located on a dominant position above Nevesinje. It is assumed that a church was there in the Middle Ages as well. The Šipovac Brotherhood, which acts
The Church of the Holy Trinity in Kifino Selo
The Church of the Holy Trinity in Kifino Selo is the oldest medieval church in Nevesinje, and is assumed to be an endowment of the Nemanjić Dynasty. It was renovated in 1810 and consecrated on Pentecost, 14 May 1816, by
Невесињска олимпијада
Невесињска олимпијада једна је од највећих атракција Невесиња са историјом дугом већ 140. година. Мало је догађаја са традицијом какву има Невесињска олимпијада. То је традиционална спортска, културна и туристичка манифестација, која се одржава сваке године у августу, на Братачком лугу
Alagovac Lake
Alagovac Lake is an artificial lake near Nevesinje and the largest lake in the Nevesinje Valley. The area of the lake is 40 ha. At the lake you can fish for: carp, grass carp and silver carp, which are regularly restocked.
Trebinje fishing area
Trebinje fishing area has got cyprinid and salmonid fish species. The area encompasses the municipalities of Trebinje, Bileća, Gacko and Nevesinje. Fishing techniques in Trebinje fishing area are fly fishing, swimbait, float fishing and bottom fishing. In Bileća municipality fishing
Hercegovina hunting region
It stretches over municipalities: Trebinje, Nevesinje, Gacko, Bileca i Berkovici. It includes 7 hunting grounds and they are: Berkovici, Vidusa, Gacko, Ljubinje, Nevesinje, Velez and Leotar. The hunting grounds in this region are of a hilly-lowland and hilly-mountainous type. The types of game
Пансион Стадион
Војводе Рада Видовића 1 88280 Невесиње Тел :+00387 059/ 601 527 web: www.nevesinjeturizam.com
Clock tower
The most significant monument from the 400-year long Ottoman rule is the clock tower located in the town centre. It is assumed to have been built in the late sixteenth century.
The town of feudal lords of Nevesinje Parish, Kom and Hum, whose remains are the ruins of the noble family of Sanković’s castle. The family ruled the area from this castle up until May 1404, when Kosača noble family got
The mediaeval fortress of Vjenčac
The mediaeval fortress of Vjenčac was built as the Nevesinje Governor headquarters and later on it was also the seat of the prince. The popular name of this locality is Knežača or Grad. It is located southeast of the urban
Земска груда
У близини Скакала и Овчијег брода налази се занимљив споменик- Земска груда. To je узвишење од земље, на локалитету гдје има више камена него земље и представља веома занимљив феномен. Према легенди коју чувају становници околних села, каже се да
Zalomka River
For much of its course during the summer, the river flows underground, which makes it the largest underground river in Europe. Flocks of sheep used to be taken for the summer pasture through Ovči-brod on Zalomka River from Lower Herzegovina
Nevesinje field
Nevesinje field is one of the largest karst fields in Bosnia-Herzegovina. Its area is18,000 hectares of fertile and arable farmland. It makes a good potential for the production of healthy food, development of eco-tourism and other forms of tourism as
Mount Velež
With Botin (1968 masl) and Crvanj (1956 masl) as its highest peaks, Mount Velež and its beauties, rich woods, many springs, rapid streams, lakes ("Mountain Eyes"), a wealth of wild game, wild berries, medicinal herbs and mushrooms are of a
Nevesinje municipality is located in the south-east of Republic of Srpska, in east Herzegovina, 35 km from Mostar and 110 km from Sarajevo. Its distance from the Adriatic Sea and Ploče harbour is 110 km. The municipality makes a part of