Bungalovi Nacionalnog Parka ,,Kozara,,
Phone: 00387 52 211 169 E-mail: info@npkozara.com web: www.npkozara.com
Mountaineering house “Ljubijski rudar”
Mountaineering house "Ljubijski rudar" Теl: 00387 65 282 818 mail: info@kozarski.com Web: www.kozarski.com
Planinarski dom ,, Previja ,,
Phone: 00387 65 587 350 E -mail: paokbanjaluka@yahoo.com
Mountaineering Center “Kotlovača”
Mountaineering Center "Kotlovača" Mountaineering association "Klekovača" was founded in 1953 with the aim of promotion sports in Prijedor. In addition to weekly excursions on the Kozara Mountain, there are also action on the mountains in the region, the company focuses on acquiring new members,and
Klisina Monastery
On the old monastery site from the 15th century, a monastery was built that today is one of the spiritual centres of the north-western part of the Republic of Srpska.
The City mosque Prijedor
The City mosque is located in the part of Prijedor which is called Stari grad (Old Town). During the reign of Sultan Mahmud I (1730-1754), a fortress was built on the island in 1747 and inside it a mosque. The
The Čarsija mosque Prijedor
The exact year of construction of the Čaršija mosque in Prijedor is unknown, it dates back to before 1840, with the assumption that the first mosque was built in this spot during the reign of Sultan Mahmud I (1730-1754). This
Catholic Church of Saint Josip
The parish was established in April 1891 by secession from Volar. There were at least three parishes and churches of the Diocese of Zagreb at the present location of the parish in 1334: in Kozarac, Dragotinja and Puharska. The parish
Ortodoxs church of the “Holy Trinity”
In the great fire that occurred in 1882, most of the city was burned down as well as a wooden church, which was located on the site of the present day church of the Holy Trinity. After that, a reconstruction
Ukranian church – Parish
It was founded in 1910. The believers are Ukrainians, Greek Catholics, immigrants from Western Ukraine - Halicina (Galicia), who settled here in the late 19th and early 20th century from the areas: Brode, Ternopilj, Drohobec, Zbaraz, Turk
Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Kozara
In the people it is known as "Mehmedova crkva" ("Mehmed's Church") - the Great Fire in Prijedor, in June 1882, destroyed nearly 190 residential buildings in the city. The Prijedor municipality decided to make a big sawmill in the area
Šurkovac Parish
The Roman Catholic parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is mentioned in the Middle Ages as one of the oldest Roman Catholic parishes in northwestern Bosnia with its seat in Vodicevo. By conquering these areas, Turks devastated whole regions
Wooden churches Prijedor
Wooden churches, typical of the Potkozarje region. In the surrounding area of Prijedor, wooden churches are located in the villages Maricka, Omarska, Busnovi, Jelicka and Rakelici, and the church in Jelicka was declared a national monument. Out of 83 Serbian
Prijedor fishing area
Prijedor fishing area includes the City of Prijedor area and municipalities of Novi Grad and Oštra Luka, which are abundant in cypirinid and salmonid fish species. The middle and lower part of the crystal clear River Sana and the central part
Special hunting ground Kozara
The Kozara National Park manages the special hunting ground "Kozara". The hunting area is 16,728 ha (of which the hunting area is 15.781ha and non-hunting is 947ha) and it is of a hilly type. The hunting ground is divided into three
Una-Sana hunting region
It stretches over municipalities of Novi Grad, Kozarska Dubica, Kostajnica and Prijedor. It includes 13 fishing grounds and they are: Kozarska Dubica, Vojskova, Novi, Pastirevo, Rudice, Svodna, Ljubija, Mrakovica, Omarska, Sanicani, Balј, Ostra Luka and especially hunting ground Kozara. The hunting grounds in
Tourist Organization of Prijedor
Теl: 052/243-030 Fax: 052/243-031 Address: Akademika Jovana Raškovića 18 е-mail: info@visitprijedor.com www.visitprijedor.com
Motel Atlantis
Motel Atlantis Prijedor Теl: + 387 52/ 233 450 Fax: + 387 52/ 242 511 e-mail: office@motelatlantis.com web: motelatlantis.com
Address: Svale Phone: +387 52 233 777 Fax: +387 52 242 102
Мотел Ле Понт
Краља Петра I Oслободиоца 1 79 101 Приједор Тел: +387 52/ 234 788 Fax: +387 52/ 234 067 e-mail: info@motellepont.com web: www.motellepont.com
Хотел Бомар
Магистрални пут бб 79 101 Приједор Тел:+387 52/ 331 000 Fax:+387 52/ 333 222 e-mail: info@hotelbomar.com web: www.visitprijedor.com