Church of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul
The Orthodox Church of Holy Apostles Peter and Paul in Borike was built in 1909 and consecrated in 1911. The Orthodox population here combined the religious tradition of these areas with entertainment, creating an event to present Serbian folklore ensembles, toast
Govještica Cave
Govještica Cave is located in the of the river Prača canyon , Rogatica municipality at an altitude of 580 m (entrance), the length of 9682 m, with a large entrance, which is also the source. Shortly after the main entrance,
Foča fishing area
Foča region is one of the most important fishing regions and is characterized by a very rich and varied fish stocks of salmonid and cyprinid fish species, as well as rapid streams with crystal clear water, a great pleasure for
Stara Hercegovina hunting region
It stretches over municipalities: Foca, Visegrad, Rogatica, Cajnice and Rudo. It includes 9 hunting grounds and they are: Panos, Mednik, Vrada, East Gorazde, Bakic, Cicelј, Sijemic and two special hunting grounds Kamenica and Zelengora. The hunting grounds in the area are of
Tourist Organization of Rogatica
Теl: 058/420-581 Fax: 058/420-582 Address: Srpske sloge bb е-mail:
Мотел Парк
Адреса: Српске Слоге бб 73220 Рогатица Тел: 00387 58 / 420 232 Фаx: 00387 58 / 420 350 E mail: web:
Rogatica through history
Human settlements in the area are from prehistoric age. After a certain interruption in the continuity of settlement, people have continued to settle the area through different historical periods until today. Regarding its past and in terms of Slavic settlements,
Banj stijena Cave
The cave is located on the location of Mesići, in the River Praca canyon, on the route of the former narrow-gauge railway Ustiprača-Mesići-Sarajevo. It has four corridors of a total length of about 1000 meters and is extremely rich in
In the park of the Health Centre in Rogatica a small colony of stone monuments from ancient times was formed. The monuments are valuable documents about the life and development of the town from that period.
Medieval Town of Vratar
Remains of this town are in present-day Žepa. It was raised on a tall (745 m), very steep and inaccessible ridge located on the other bank of the river Žepa. The castle foundations are still preserved, as well as walls
Redžep – Pasha’s Tower
This building in Žepa, after which the hamlet was named Kula, represents the remains of material culture from the Ottoman period. The folk tradition says it belonged to a certain Redžep - pasha, after whom the tower got its present
River Žepa and Stone bridge on the River Žepa
The River Žepa is located 35 km from Rogatica in a picturesque valley surrounded by high mountains on all sides. Its eastern part is located on the beautiful shore of Lake Drina, which allows a special water connection with the
Turkish hazel (Corylus colurna)
On the way to Borike, there is an unusual hazel tree which is over half a century old. It is a Corylus colurna tree, popularly known as Turkish hazel. The average age of this endemic species is about 200 years,
At about 18 kilometers northeast of Rogatica, at 1100 meters above sea level, there is a paradise for nature lovers called BORIKE. This is a real health resort, with rich forests full of game and meadows abounding in medicinal herbs.
Medieval town of Borač
At about ten kilometers from Rogatica, there are the remains of the medieval town of Borača. Borač was first mentioned in the 10th century in the works of the Byzantine Emperor and writer Constantine VII Porphyrogennetos. Named after this town,
Rogatica municipality stretches over the middle-eastern part of Republic of Srpska and is an area of exceptional beauty, hilly and mountainous terrain intersected with evergreen and deciduous forest and clear mountain rivers abundant in fish. Together with a rich cultural