Gradiška fishing area
The Gradiška fishing area includes the municipalities of Gradiška, Laktaši, Srbac, Kozarska Dubica and Kostajnica, and is abundant in cypirinid fish species. The main watercourses are the River Sava as well as lower parts of the rivers Una and Vrbas,
Tourist Organization of Srbac
Теl: 051/745-470 Fax: 051/745-472 Address: 11. novembra е-mail:
Мотел Храст
11. Новембра бб 78 420 Србац Тел: +387 51/ 741 159 Е маил: web:
Мотел Ћубић
Ситнеши бб 78 422 Србац Тел:+387 51/ 740 244 Фаx: +387 51/ 741 041 e-mail: motelcubic@blic web:
Motajica-Lijevce hunting region
It stretches over municipalities: Laktasi, Srbac, Gradiska and Prnjavor. It includes 10 hunting grounds, and they are: Grbavica–Jablanica, Karajzovci-Romanovici, Laminci-Prosara, Laktasi, Prnjavor, Ljubic, Ribnjak, Srbac, Bardaca and Motajica. The hunting grounds in this region are of a hilly-lowland type. Game species in this
Srbac through history
In the Bronze and Iron Ages, the Pannonians created fortified settlements on hills, called "gradina". The village of Donja Dolina, which was an important trading centre and one of the extremely important archaeological sites, also belongs to that period. A small
Mount Motajica
Numerous visitors, especially hunters, hikers, mushroom hunters and nature lovers, are also attracted to Mount Motajica, on whose peak Gradina (652 m) is one of the most popular excursion places in Srbac. This is one of the last oasis in
In the territory of Srbac municipality, which is very rich in remarkable natural resources and beauties, the tourism development is mainly based on the natural motives. It is obvious, if you bear in mind, that the nature has been extremely