Hostel Srebrenica
Address: Mlinista 80 75430 Srebrenica Phone: +38765610321 email: F: Hostel Srebrenica
The “Roman municipium” in Skelani
The "Roman municipium" in Skelani is one of the most important archaeological sites not only in Republic of Srpska, but also Bosnia and Herzegovina and the region. The city was located in the Roman province of Dalmatia, in the area rich
River Drina
The River Drina is considered one of the most beautiful rivers in the former Yugoslavia. In the past it was famous for its impetuous nature and rafters fighting its waterfalls. Due to its winding flow, there is the popular saying
Monastery Sase
Near the ancient site of Domavia in the municipality of Srebrenica, and 15 km from the Drina Sase, there is a monastery dedicated to the Holy Trinity. It was built in the mid-fourteenth century and, according to tradition, it was
Zvornik fishing area
Zvornih fishing area includes the urban area of Zvornik and municipalities of Vlasenica, Bratunac, Šekovići, Milići and Srebrenica, and is characterised by abundance of cyprinid and salmonid fish species. Fishing techniques applied in Zvornik fishing area are fly fishing, swimbait,
Special hunting ground Susica
One of the most attractive hunting grounds both in Srebrenica as well as in the entire Bosnia and Herzegovina is certainly the special hunting ground "Susica". This hunting ground is managed by FE "Drina" Srebrenica. It covers an area of 9,000
Birac hunting region
Hunting region Birac includes municipalities Vlasenica, Bratunac, Zvornik, Sekovici, Milici i Srebrenica. The following hunting grounds are in this region: Caus, Birac, Mladjevac, Kozluk, Komic, Javor, Bisina, Borogovo and especially the hunting ground Susica. The hunting grounds in this region are of
Tourist Organization of Srebrenica
Теl/Fax: 056/440-072 Address: Srebreničkog odreda bb е-mail:
Pension Misirlije
Pension Misirlije Srebrenica Теl:00387 (0)56 445 295 Fax:00387 (0)56 445 295 E-mail: web:
Језеро Перућац
Хидроакумулација Перућац је добијена преграђивањем Дрине бетонском браном дужине 461 м и висине 90 м са акумулацијом од 340 hm³ воде. Тако је цијели ток Дрине у једном дијелу, престао да буде ток и постао језеро дуго 52 km (
Srebrenica through history
The area that now gravitates to Srebrenica has a very interesting history and rich cultural and historical heritage. The first mentioning of Srebrenica was in Dubrovnik documents of 1352. It was being settled even in prehistoric time and was a
The Srebrenica Cultural Centre
The Srebrenica Cultural Centre is a centre of cultural life in the town. It integrates various cultural facilities such as museums, permanent exhibitions of paintings and the city library. There are several permanent exhibitions in the Centre, which are of
The Old Town Klotjevac
The Old Town Klotjevac has also all the characteristics of medieval Bosnian fortress. It was built on a hill near the Drina River with a stunning view to the canyon. Due to the inaccessibility of terrain, only the bravest adventurers
The old town of Srebrenica
The old town of Srebrenica was built after the arrival of the Turkish administration, military and logistics, near the present-day town centre. For all medieval fortresses it is typical that they were built in hard-to-reach areas, where access was possible
Municipality of Srebrenica is located in the north-eastern part of Republic of Srpska, in the middle of a large bend of the River Drina, where natural resources and beauty constitute the largest part of Srebrenica tourist offer. According to a