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Romanija is a mountainous massif of exceptional tourist value, with its highest point, Veliki Lupoglav, reaching an altitude of 1652 meters. Located about 20km east of Sarajevo, it lies between the neighboring mountains of Ozren to the north and Jahorina to the south. The rivers Miljacka and Praca originate at the mountain’s foothill.

Interesting facts

Interesting facts
The most notable attraction in the area is the Via Ferrata Sokolov Put, a secured climbing route featuring steel aids for safe ascent along the cliffs. Designed for all, including those with no prior climbing experience, the 350-meter-long trail includes two suspension bridges, making it a unique adventure offering in Bosnia and Herzegovina. This adrenaline-pumping activity provides excitement and breathtaking views, all within the bounds of maximum safety.
Interesting facts
Romanija has a rich history, particularly during the Ottoman period, when it became a stronghold of hajduks (outlaws). The most famous among them is Starina Novak, whose cave is now a historical and tourist landmark in the municipality of Pale. Novak’s Cave, situated at 1550 meters above sea level, can be accessed by marked and secured mountain paths, though a guided tour is recommended for safety. Measuring 10 meters in depth and up to 7 meters in height, the cave has likely been used by Illyrians, Celts, Romans and Slavs. Below the cave lies Novakova Njiva, a meadow perfect for camping and a venue for the annual Djurdjevdan festival. Nearby is Novakovo Vrelo, a source of unspoiled mountain water.

За љубитеље спортско-рекреативних активности и нетакнуте природе означене су пјешачке и бициклистичке стазе.

Романија пружа разне облике рекреативног туризма као што су параглајдинг, планинарске туре, пјешачење кроз шуме у којима доминира дрвеће јеле,оморике и бора. Прелијепа природа, пропланци који постепено прерастају у густу четинарску шуму биће велика награда за све оне који се одлуче за поход на Романију.

For those who enjoy outdoor activities, Romanija offers marked hiking and cycling trails, as well as opportunities for paragliding, mountaineering and forest walks. The region’s nature, with its gradual transition from open meadows to thick coniferous forests of spruce, fir and pine, rewards visitors with serene beauty. Adventurers will find the rugged cliffs and rocky peaks captivating, while the effort to reach Romanija’s summits is amply compensated by stunning panoramic views. To the west, the mountain forms a natural arch around Sarajevo, while to the east and south, the view extends toward the Drina and a chain of other peaks. The cultural and historical heritage of Romanija is equally rich, offering a blend of religious and traditional folklore motifs. This makes the area a perfect destination for mountain tourism.